Journalism & Creative Direction

Pursuit Magazine.

Pursuit Magazine is the award-winning collegiate magazine for California Baptist University. I joined the magazine in 2021 as the design editor, eventually making my way to editor-in-chief in 2023. As design editor, I put the magazine into a complete design and aesthetic overhaul. I re-established the values and legacy the magazine always stood for whilst giving it an update that it dearly needed. My greatest achievement was giving the magazine a cohesive brand identity and elevating its visual storytelling to a professional level. Although collaboration and teamwork was key, I was still in charge of designing many of the spreads, leading photoshoots, writing articles, and training the junior members of the magazine. 

My goals were re-affirmed not only by the positive responses from the university students, but also by the many journalism awards our issues have won nationwide during my tenure.

click to read each magazine issue.

fall 2021.

spring 2022.

fall 2022.

summer 2023.


One problem that I recognized was that there were no efforts in having consistent colors, typography, and design elements in order to make the magazine a more professional and recognizable body of work. So I decided to implement a style guide in the magazine, which was a first in the publication’s decade long existence.

Whilst making this style guide, I carefully took note of other existing style guides, especially ones from successful brands and publications. What I wanted to do the most with this guide was to set an example and to let the future publication members to use this guide as a basis for their own creativity and art direction.

click on style guide to view.


A photography series featured in the Fall 2022 issue of Pursuit. The series was dedicated to the bathrooms in each dormitory of California Baptist University. 

click image to view.

Fine Art Photography Series.

Dirty Casual’s Guide to

“Dirty Casual’s Guide to…” was a regular section in each issue of Pursuit. In every issue, “Dirty Casual” would introduce a new hobby and how you would get into that hobby.

I created this section with the intention of making fun of overly zealous hobbyist whilst trying to make a very welcoming guide for those who would be afraid of trying new things.

click on image to view.