Dirty Casual’s Guide to

“Dirty Casual’s Guide to…” was a regular section in each issue of Pursuit. In every issue, “Dirty Casual” would introduce a new hobby and how you would get into that hobby. I created this section with the intention of making fun of overly zealous hobbyist whilst trying to make a very welcoming guide for those who would be afraid of trying new things.

The term “dirty casual” comes from the overly zealous otaku community to describe people who only watch anime casually. I used this specific term because I want readers to know that this isn’t a perfect guide to the hobby it is introducing. It is the kind of guide that is okay with sloppy mistakes and sacrilegious shortcuts that experts were otherwise detest. This sort of open DIY attitude that is reflected in the writing and the design. It makes fun of both beginners and experts. After all, aren’t we all just trying to have fun?